Visiting keswick sensory

At Keswick Sensory we provide a safe, relaxed environment for families to enjoy. We’ve incorporated a variety of sensory oriented activities that are designed to nurture an individual’s strengths and help them discover new interests.

All activities are designed to stimulate ones sensory system in a low-pressure way. There is an understanding that each child is an individual with different interests and sensory needs. Our activities are voluntary and structured in a way that caters to each child that joins us. By providing a safe atmosphere and proper guidance there is endless potential to what can be discovered at Keswick Sensory and utilized to enhance daily life activities.

Your Day on the farm

  • Our day begins with an orientation to the farm and safety briefing. We also use this time to fit helmets for riding and take the time we need to transition into our day. We understand that wearing a helmet can be difficult, so we've built in plenty of time to slowly work up to it if necessary.


  • Our equine staff are always excited to meet new friends! We take a walk through our barn to pet and say hello to our horse friends. The kids are encouraged to pet and interact with the horses, but some may feel most comfortable interacting from a distance.


  • We encourage kids to try riding the horses, but we also have activities to do if riding seems like a bit too much. Our large riding ring with games invites children to interact with the horses in whatever way feels the most comfortable.


  • Our goats, sheep, and pigs love interacting with the families that visit! Families are able to pet the livestock through the fence, or enter the pen and get up close and personal.


  • Our 1/4 mile walking trail gives families a chance to embrace nature and discover fun obstacles along the way.


  • Our balance beams made with natural trees give kids an opportunity to work on their balance and warm up for some of the other activities we will find along the trail.


  • Our friendly rock wall is small enough to be inviting, but just tall enough to give a little bit of a challenge. Kids are able to climb up and over onto the rope ladder on the opposite side. Or can climb as high on the wall or rope as they feel comfortable.


  • Keep your eyes peeled for some fun critters hiding out along the trail! Kids can grab a net and see how many butterflies, dragonflies, and other creatures they can catch along the way.


  • Our angled steps give kids a chance to work on balance and coordination as they hop from one to the other. The steps are adjustable to fit any size and skill level.


  • Our 100 foot long zipline gives kids a fun ride through the trees. The zipline is low enough to the ground that parents or staff can walk with and support younger kids, but tall enough that older kids are able to ride independently if they wish. Parents are also welcome to ride!


  • Lunch is provided for everyone at the end of the day. We will work with you to understand your child's preferences to ensure there is something for everyone! You are also welcome to pack your own picnic lunch if you wish.


  • Our crafts can include anything from painting to modeling with clay. We will work with you individually to find something your child is likely to connect with. We like to create crafts that kids can take home with them, however sometimes our paint canvas must remain at the barn!
